Very few residents of our streets in Davis are as lucky as those on Plum Lane, where a majestic Italian stone pine casts a spell of awe. The 55-year old tree was nominated by Louise Conrad because she always enjoys seeing it on her neighborhood walks. The current resident of 1012 Plum Lane, Leilani Buddenhagen, says that the owl feathers she finds under the tree remind her of its many denizens. The 100-ft tall towering conifer can be seen for blocks, and its umbrella-shaped crown casts shade across the entire street. Up close, its 10.2 ft girth and thickly plated, red-brown bark impress. The tree’s deep green foliage has a calming effect.
In fact, a young woman used to regularly meditate under this tree. One can’t help but wonder about the many memories children of Davis carry who grew up climbing its trunk and swinging from its branches.